Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getting the Gouge

As a Plebe at men's finishing school on the Severn, we had a word for getting the inside scoop or privileged information on an upcoming test or event. It was called "Gouge". Getting the Gouge was key to success. So, in that vein, as we were gearing up to head south, Tricia and I were looking for opportunities to get the gouge. First stop was the Seven Seas Cruising Association Gam in Annapolis. A Gam is what sailors of old would hold when two ships met at sea. They would heave to and share stories and news from home. The SSCA Gam was held on the Rhode River at Camp Letts in Mayo, MD. Conditions were ideal. We had 60+ boats anchored in the picturesque little cove, with dozens more cruisers coming by car to the 3 day event. We met lots of great people and got lots of gouge. Thanks to Jim from Radio Flyer and Devlin on Moosetracks who came over to help me troubleshoot as problem with my engine. Tricia and Liz from Moosetracks shared ideas on provisioning, etc, and got on very well. At the Gam, we heard about the Salty Dawg Rally from Hampton to the BVI. 100+ boats! They had seminars later that week at Mears Marina in Eastport on weather routing, SSB radios, medical emergencies, rigging and sail management, etc. Plus cocktails and a cookout. The weather sucked, but the company was warm and friendly.

Then there was the US Sailboat Show. We bought all the stuff we had been waiting to buy, and attended more seminars on outfitting for offshore cruising, etc. By the end of the weekend, we were tired, poor, and ready to go put all this new knowledge to work.

During all this, Ginny and Cary focused on getting caught up on homeschooling. They did get to have friends over for a fun but rainsoaked sleepover on the boat for their 15th birthdays, and to attend the homecoming football game and some other events with their BFFs before heading out to points south. We also celebrated Tricia's Mom's 70th birthday.

After a hectic two weeks of receiving and installing all the parts we ordered at the boat show. A new 235 kW solar panel and controller, AIS, WiFi antenna, new lifelines, repairs to new liferaft, new storm jib, new Manson Supreme anchor, repairs to anchor roller to correct flaws from jury rig this summer, padeyes to hold things to deck underway, getting SSB radio working, and more.... we were ready to head south!

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