Monday, December 9, 2013

Thanksgiving in the Islands

Before we knew it, it was Thanskgiving. Time flies when you are hanging out in paradise. The Dawgs planned a potluck dinner at the Sandbox bar on Prickly Pear Island in the North Sound. There was a ton of really good food. There were all the traditional treats, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (Caribbean version with a slightly different taste),  etc. as well as sauerkraut and pork (a Baltimore Dawg), El Salvadoran corn flour cakes, and a host of creative salads and desserts. Tricia's brussel sprouts were a welcome surprise, as finding green veggies, other than lettuce, is rather tough in the islands. The bird was cooked by three creative boats - dividing the turkey into thirds so that the whole bird could be cooked in the small boat ovens! We couldn't have managed a traditional Thanksgiving feast on our own even if we tried!

After stuffing ourselves, we challenged a group of Puerto Rican sailors to a volleyball game. It was a hard fought contest. Mark and Jade crewing on Minaxi teamed up with the Music crew to represent the Dawgs. I think we did well and may have won, if we were keeping score. The PR team played hard. The fact that they were six girls between the ages of 10 and 12 shouldn't detract from our victory.

As usual, we shared stories and travel tips with our fellow cruisers, creating more bonds that I hope will  last for many years as we continue to sail. In spite of some rain squalls, we were appreciative of the warmth, and All were thankful for a successful voyage, for their health, and for the opportunity to be doing what they are doing.

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