Sunday, April 6, 2014

Deshaies, Guadeloupe

Day-Ay is another beautiful French anchorage, similar to St Pierre in Martinique. Colorful, small colonial buildings line the waterfront with restaurants, bars, art galleries, and shops. Of course, there are vegetable and fruit stands, and wonderful French bakeries. The dive shop is right at the dinghy dock. They not only refill tanks fairly inexpensively, but they gave us all the water we wanted for FREE!  A true luxury, even if I did have to haul it back to the boat in 50 lb jugs. We have had to pay for water everywhere else.

The anchorage was a little crowded when we arrived. Music was anchored on the south side of the harbor, close the the cliffs on the a lee shore. I didn't sleep too well the first night (I never do), even though the winds were moderate, the anchor held well, and we didn't swing into the neighbors. The next day, while I was in sorting out the dive tanks, I noticed the girls launching a kayak. Good, they would finally get used. When I got back to the boat, I found out why. Turns out a French boat had backed into our side, taking 2-3 quarter-sized chunks out of the new paint. He handed them 100 Euro, an email address, and a promise to pay more later if needed. Rrrrgh. The good news is we made new friends. The yacht behind us, "Spirited Lady of Fowey", captained by Suzy with Jeff as crew, came by to help. Turns out Suzy has 2 dogs and a cat aboard, and one of the dogs needed Tricia's medical help. Suzy has been cruising the Caribbean for years and has a wealth of info and great stories. Jeff is on break after college, and helped Ginny with her Gov homework. Through Suzy we also met Roger on "Warrior for Life" and Knoll and Bobby, an Aussie couple who have done deliveries in the Caribbean and across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. We had a nice evening on Spirited Lady telling tales.

The ladies had another nice dive out on the reef wall at the northern point of the harbor. My knee is mending, but not quite ready for diving. Tricia and I decided not to walk out to the Botanical Garden and see the Flamingos. We should have gone. Alas.

The next night, Andrew and Claire from "Eye Candy" dropped anchor. Time for another party. Eye Candy, Spirited Lady, and Warrior for Life were invited. This time, we hosted on Music. Tricia whipped up homemade pizza which was a huge hit. Cary and Ginny played a selection of songs on the trumpet and clarinet. Then we proceeded to sing any song we could think of until late at night. We now realize how limited our repertoire really is. Time to practice those lyrics!

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