Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cape May to Block Island

We have been using for our long range wind and wave forecast. The prediction of 5-10 kts from the southwest was dead on. The 200 mile trip from Cape May to Block Island was as easy as we could hope for. We had to jibe a few times and sail jibe angles to keep the wind and waves at a comfortable direction. Cary and Ginny took day watches as a team. Tricia and I stood the night watches. We started with 3 hours watches, but we plan to switch to 4 hours. 3 hours doesn't give you enough time to get rested for your next watch. Music handled well. We learned a lot about how to handle sails, and started to reorganize how we store stuff to make it easier to find and get access.

Probably the only noteworthy thing to mention is the full moon. It was very bright. We felt like we were sailing in daylight. I guess I should be happy that the blog of our first open water passage is so dull. We arrived in Block Island Weds afternoon about 2 pm, completing the 200 mile trip in about 44 hours. We knew we weren't going to set a speed record with the wind conditions, and were very satisfied with ourselves and with Music. Good job team!


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  2. Last summer when we were just getting started we did nearly the reverse of this as our first passage. We sailed from Newport, RI to Cape May. Hope you had good sailing in New England! We are now southbound again.
