Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pressure Is Off- Time to ReGroup

After returning from Naushon, I contacted DMS for a status on the shaft coupling. All fixed and ready to launch. I was a bit dismayed to be told that removing the broken bolts from the shaft coupling DID NOT require the shaft to be pulled, so I could have saved the haul out, store and launch fees. Live and learn. We scheduled the launch for Tuesday morning, and DMS sent Ernie over to do the shaft alignment. We found that not only was the shaft .005" out (too much!), but the transmission bolts were all loose and the transmission moved when placed in gear. No wonder the coupling bolts had failed. Ernie fixed the transmission housing bolts, replaced and tightened the engine mounts, and aligned the shaft. Now I have spare bolts, and the knowledge of how to fix it if it happens again. Not that I want it to happen again. Several knowledgeable sailors have quipped that once you buy that obscure spare part, it will never break again. Here's hoping they are right.

After a quick trip to Fawcetts Marine Supply, Tricia, Cary and I motored over to Kent Island and anchored in Shipping Creek in front of Tricia's parents house (and only 1/4 mile from our house). We have access to Francis's boat to run back and forth from anchor with supplies, showers, and TV for the kids. Really a nice setup. So we took advantage. During the drive down from the Cape, Tricia and I had put together a two page list of projects to make the boat even more ready for the big trip, and to get the house rented. Renting the house was a big weight hanging over our heads. The cruising kitty doesn't survive long if we don't rent the house. Luckily, we had several promising showings and the soon had a contract starting August 1st! So, the die is cast. We are homeless!

We enjoyed two nice weeks in Shipping Creek. The weather has been FANTASTIC! Not hot and humid. Cool sleeping weather. Light and variable winds. No rain. Cary and Ginny were also able to join Tricia's parents at ocean at Bethany Beach with their cousins, Harriet and Lilly Starr. Tricia and I stayed home and worked on the boat and last minute items. We got to spend time testing systems, learning what works, and what doesn't. A sudden downpour identified numerous leaks in the cabin that took 2-3 days and a good deal of WEST SYSTEM to repair. But now they are fixed (mostly). A thunderstorm two days ago gave me a chance to shower in the cockpit (instead of the salon). It also had me wondering if our CQR is big enough. However, what I thought was dragging was more likely the anchor pulling loose and resettting itself as the squall winds were from the north, and we had set the anchor to the south. Did I mention that Shipping Creek is fairly small and pretty shallow. We were very happy to find a hole that had 7-8 feet of water. Always good to know you have 6" of water under the keel.

Finally, all appeared ready and we made plans to leave on August 14th. Then, during the night, the wind picked up and rain started. Normally, no problem. But I woke up at 3 am to the sound of the wind outside and suddenly thought of the charter boat that had anchored near us. Unused to neighbors in Shipping Creek, I went on deck to check Music's swing circle to be sure we weren't too close. Glad I did. Our neighbors were now a boat length to windward of us. Standing in a cool rain on the bow in my gym shorts, I watched as they got closer with every gust. I hailed them, and after awhile, someone came on deck. (Side note: when they woke up and turned on a flashlight, I could see it- THROUGH THE HULL! Guess the make of the boat.) They acknowledged they were dragging and said they would move. It then took them 3 HOURS to raise their anchor! Either unfamiliar with the charter boat, or a problem with the windlass. Either way, Tricia and I didn't get anymore sleep as we veered more chain, and used the motor to steer away from them as their swing moved them too close to us. So, come dawn, we slept in and were too late to leave and make our intended destination by nightfall. Pat and Francis graciously hosted us for another goodbye lunch. Then an early bedtime and underway Thursday morning for Bodkin Creek.

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