Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Still Pond, Worton Maryland

Leaving Bodkin Creek, we enjoyed a great sail across the Bay. On a broad reach, with main and jib bellied out with wind, we were hitting 8 knots in 12-15 knots of breeze. When we reached the eastern shore at Swan Point just above Rock Hall, we headed up the bay. Unfortunately, the wind was nearly on the nose, so we alternated motoring and motor-sailing as we followed the channel up past Tolchester and Worton Creek to Still Pond. As it was now Saturday, the anchorage was fairly full with a raft of about 20 powerboats. Midge and Fred Kramer, my sponsor parents from my days at the US Naval Academy, kayaked out to meet us. Tricia prepared some wonderful grilled rockfish. Fred and I traded old stories and caught up in the cockpit while Midge and Tricia had a great visit down below. Cary and Ginny spent time with both of their godparents. Midge and Fred have always been easy to spend time with, and I really value all they have done for me, and my family, including my sisters Sue and Beth, whom they have adopted. The party on the raft broke up late as the weather turned a little cold and rainy, and we were able to get a good night's sleep.

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