Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nocturnal Excitement

Why is it that so many exciting things happen after dark? Take the other night for instance. For some unknown reason, I woke up and noticed the beam of a flashlight from the rear of the cabin. At first, I thought Cary or Tricia were looking for something. I then realized it was coming from the cockpit. There was an intruder on the boat! I don't actually recall how I got from my bunk to the companionway, or what I may have said. I DO recall thinking that I left my $1,000 portable generator in the cockpit after charging batteries last night, and I didn't want them to get it. So, without much thought being given, I followed the intruder over the rail as he jumped into his dinghy. He had two other guys with him. After a little confusion, they roared away, and I tread water. By this time, Ginny and Tricia were in the cockpit. Tricia got the air horn and set off a few loud blasts. Ginny then dropped the stern ladder so I could get back aboard. We checked what had been stolen. So far, I can't seem to find anything they took. They didn't get the Honda generator, which is a good thing.

From Tricia: As I made it to the cockpit, all I could see was pitch black (no moon), and three guys in a dinghy leaving our boat. One guy was standing up with what I think was a boat hook in his hand, menacingly. I couldn't see Mat anywhere. I screamed his name, and after what seemed like an eternity, spotted him treading water, in the cesspool that is Simpson Bay Lagoon. As I had time to process what had happened, my heart rate went back to normal. but all I could think about was what if, and why the hell did Mat go after them. Thankfully, they weren't armed, but what if they had been? Protection of property is not worth what could have happened. I guess as Mat always says...better lucky than good. He has been properly chastised.

On the morning "net" on channel 10, we reported our event. Another boat, "Magic" says a dinghy approached his boat earlier in the night, but started the engine and raced away when he shined a light on them. (Later, the owner of "Sunshine" a few lengths astern of us says he was also boarded last night, but they couldn't unlock his dink and left empty handed.) Needless to say, the radio was alive with ideas from all sides on what to do to the culprits and how cruisers should defend themselves. Wasp spray, bear spray, and flare guns were mentioned. I personally like the idea of "snapdragons" or some type of tripwire alarm. Cary has a personal device that we will likely rig to go off if someone gets in our cockpit again. We can't count on me waking up next time.

I did make a report with the police and the port captain. Btw, the Polizei Municipale are the traffic cops, not the real cops. They directed me to the Gendarmerie, which was a 2 mile hike up into the hills. They took a statement, but since we didn't lose anything, and couldn't give more than a passing description of the assailants, no real action was expected. The Gendarmerie Nautique boat did stop by a day later to follow up. And rumors in town are the three robbers were caught. Seems they also broke into a house that had a surveillance camera.

Hopefully, with some better preparation and deterrents, and some perspective that only time will provide, this will be just one of the stories we tell of our adventures cruising, and will not change us adversely. I do not want to stop my general trust in mankind.

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