Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger!

After relaxing a few days in Francis Bay, we shot over to Red Hook for a night at the marina. We needed to stock up the larder for the week+ coming up at Jost Van Dyke, and to get some laundry done.

On the way back to Francis Bay, we rolled out the genny for the quick trip across. As we crossed the channel, a squall hit us with winds to 30+kts. Deciding to furl and motor the rest of the way, we were surprised when the engine revved and nothing happened. A quick check below revealed that, once again, the shaft coupling had come undone. We had no engine! Tricia, Cary and Ginny did a good job following my yelled instructions as we unfurled the jib part way and completed the trip under sail. We even sailed to the mooring, picking it up on second try. Thankfully, MoltoBene was moored next door, and he came racing out in his dinghy to save us, should we have needed saving. Gotta love Cruisers!

It took me a few hours, but I was able to repair the coupling with the spares on board. But it seems clear that the engine needs some TLC. New engine mounts, new seals on the V-drive, and a proper alignment. Also, the oil level appears to going up? Didn't find any water in oil. Must be fuel. Need to explore this.

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