Monday, January 27, 2014

St Martin- Week Three Brings New Challenges

Here we are in Marigot, St. Martin for another week. Dr, Diesel has the fuel injectors and V-drive off the engine and in his shop for rebuild. The new engine mounts are installed. The engine should go back together this week, and then we find out whether the injectors were the problem causing diesel fuel to get into the oil sump.

We had a picnic at the Gazebo in the market in Marigot last Sunday.
It was originally planned to be for boats with kids, but became a general invite, potluck event. JW and Ginny from Over Budget, Archie and Colin from Janey joined us, and brought friends from Mary Jane, and another boat (Dasy and Jan, the hairy, talented musicians in the background). We also met the crew of Day Dreamer, a family from Alaska, who have been cruising for three years. Their daughters are 14, 10, and 8. They were very nice and we hope to get the kids together again soon.

The big news this week is that our oldest dog, Ruby, hasn't been doing well at home. Her blood sugar levels keep dropping, and she seizes. She probably has cancer in the pancreas. Tricia flew home on Thursday to be there for the surgery today, and to stay with her for the first few weeks post-op to handle the bulk of the care. I'm glad we were at a point where it was fairly straightforward for Tricia to be with Ruby while she needs her. Flights were easy, and the boat is in a secure harbor where I sleep pretty well at night. (I don't worry about dragging, at least.)
Other than that, I am getting a few other projects done on the boat, and Cary and Ginny are working through the schoolwork in pretty good spirits. Tricia says it is very cold in Maryland, and she misses the Caribbean already.

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